Raymond Journeaux


Raymond Journeaux Biography


Raymond Journeaux was a founding member of a French photographers collective active in the 1950s called the Group of 7 of Rouen. He participated in over 30 national and international exhibitions including the Festival d'art photographique, 1955 at the Hôtel de ville du Bruxelles from December 10, 1955–January 1, 1956 and the XII International Art Photography Salon in West Flanders, Belgium, in 1959. He received many awards for his work including: Coupe de la Photographie Moderne - San Sebastian, 1953; Grand Prix in Anvers [Antwerp] 1954, Bruxelles 1955, Schwabach 1955; Médailles d'Argent à Sao Paulo, Ijui, 1954, San Sebastian 1954; Médaille de Bronze à Stockholm 1954. An image of Joureaux's was iillustrated in A. Vigneau's Une brève histoire de l'art de Niepce à nos jours published by R. Laffont in 1963.